Galatians 6

Paul ended chapter 5 explaining to the Galatians that they are now dead to the law and should be led by the Spirit, who will produce His fruit in their lives.

He begins Chapter 6 by explaining how these fruits can help a brother or sister in need, particularly one who is in sin.

He tells them that if a brother or sister is caught sinning, those who are following the Spirit, should help restore him or her in a spirit of gentleness.

Paul is very clear about the fact that the one seeking to help needs to be guided by the Holy Spirit.

He also warns that person to be cautious, so that they too are not tempted to sin.

He encourages the people to bear one another’s burdens, fulfilling the law of Christ (i.e. loving your neighbor as yourself).

Yet, they were also to make sure their own lives were right first, before offering that help. 

We are all responsible for the work God gives us, once we have that under control, then we are able to help others.

Galatians 6


He instructs those who are benefitting from good teaching to share the good things they have with the one teaching them, whether material or spiritual.

He then proceeds to give the Galatians a short lesson on faithfulness. 

He assures them God is no fool. He sees all, and we will all be either rewarded or punished according to how we live our lives. He compares our works to a farmer planting his field.

If we “sow to the flesh”,  or live to satisfy our sinful selves, we will reap corruption, that is, we will end up harvesting eternal death. However, if we “sow to the Spirit”, or live to please the Holy Spirit, we will reap eternal life.

Therefore, he encourages the Galatians not to grow weary in well doing, even though the days may grow long. God assures us that if we are faithful, in the end, we will be rewarded.

Thus, while we have the opportunity on this earth, we should do good to everyone especially to our Christian brothers and sisters.


Paul ends his letter by letting the Galatians know he indeed wrote the whole letter by his own hand given the importance of its contents.

He gives one final warning to the people about the Judaizers and their false teaching.

One more time he alerts them that these men are telling them they need to be circumcised, not because it is needed or required by God, but for their own religious standing in the community.

By adhering more to the Mosaic law, than the gospel of Jesus, and forcing the Galatians to do this as well, they hoped to avoid the persecution of the other Jews around them.

They also wanted to be able to boast about the Galatian people being their converts.

Paul says the only rejoicing he will do is not in his own efforts, but in the glorious death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Through Jesus, we have no need of circumcision. We are dead to the hold this world had on us, and are new creatures, filled with the very spirit of God.

For all those who believe and live by this truth, Paul says, peace and mercy unto you. 

He ends the letter as he began it, wishing the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ to be with the spirits of his dear brothers and sisters in Christ.

Final Thoughts

If there was ever any doubt Paul walked daily in the Spirit of God, one only needs to read his letter to the Galatians. The patience and love he shows for these double-minded people is the very same as shown by our Savior as he walked this earth and finally gave himself as a sacrifice for all of us. Oh, that I might have such love and patience with those God sends into my life.