In the past 10 years, the amount of people in the entertainment industry who have taken their own lives is alarming. Probably one of the most well known and shocking of these was actor and comedian, Robin Williams. From his humble beginnings as Mork, the alien who visited Happy Days and ended up with his own television show to his award-winning performance in Good Will Hunting, Williams charmed and entertained his audiences like few others in his profession. Whether comedy or drama, he had the…Continue Reading “Finding our Identity in Christ Brings Hope”

“And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.” Luke 23:46 Our Savior’s final words are not just random utterings from a weary, worn-out dying man. Just as in life, each word was carefully crafted. Just as in life, his thoughts were more for others than himself. Just as in life, at His death, Jesus was leaving us an example of how to live our lives triumphantly. Of all the great paradoxes Jesus used in…Continue Reading “Last words of Jesus: Even in death, He shows us how to live”

There are so many lies swirling around our world today, sometimes it is hard to tell what is true and what is not. Add to that the bias found on many news stations, and it is no wonder so many people get confused. Making it even harder to navigate this sea of uncertainty is the fact that false stories usually travel much faster than true ones. According to a recent study of Twitter conducted by three MIT scholars, “it takes true stories about six times…Continue Reading “The Best Way to Detect a Lie is to Know the Truth”

While I know Valentine’s Day was officially last month, I don’t think it’s ever the wrong time to talk about love. In fact, considering how many people still don’t seem to have any idea what real love is all about, it could be the perfect time. Even though we begin talking about love as early as elementary school, and while we, especially as Christians, are taught the different forms of Biblical love from a young age, there are still so many people who have absolutely…Continue Reading “Choose love: It can change the world”


We are often told the dangers of comparison. Usually it is in the context of trying to help avoid discontentment or jealousy. Obviously, comparing the sometimes ugly realities of our own lives to the airbrushed facade on someone else’s Facebook page can easily lead us to become unsatisfied with our present circumstances no matter how good they may actually be. Similarly, putting our life up against someone who is already successfully doing what we’d like to be doing can quickly lead to jealously and feelings…Continue Reading “Comparison and Keeping Our Eyes on Jesus”

As I read through Acts with my Ladies Bible Study group last year, and especially as I have been reading through Galatians for my blog, it has been both saddening and comforting to see that those Gentile believers were plagued with some of the exact same problems that new Testament Christians face today. Chief among those being, a gross misunderstanding of the purpose of the law and its role in our lives. Through the law, the gentiles had come to realize their sin, and through…Continue Reading “Grace over guilt: Dead to condemnation, free to live in Christ”

Happy New Year!!! Well, here we are. The first full week of 2019 is in the books. I for one am grateful God created time, and gave us a structured pattern of days, weeks, months and years by which we can plan our lives. I am especially thankful for the new year, because every 365 days it’s like we get a fresh start. If you’re anything like me, it’s a time to look back over the past year and reflect. A time to celebrate things…Continue Reading “3 Steps to Achieving Your Fitness Goals for 2019”

I love Christmas! I mean love, love, love it!!! I love having all my family gathered in one place. I love giving them special things they want or need. I love baking Christmas cookies for my husband and my kids and seeing their big eyes and happy smiles when they come home from work and school and notice something yummy on the counter. I love sitting in our living room with nothing but the soft glow of the Christmas tree for light. I love Christmas…Continue Reading “How to steer clear of the Christmas trap”

(Affiliate disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. Please read my full disclosure for more information.) In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul states that God comforts us in all our troubles, so that we may be able to comfort others who are hurting, in the same way He has comforted us.  I have always loved the sentiment of that verse especially because I know it’s backed by God’s truth.  He has always been there for me through troubled times, comforting me and pushing me on. In many of those…Continue Reading “To comfort others who are hurting”

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. I remember teaching both of my children this verse when they were in kindergarten. They had to memorize it for their Bible class. It was one of the longer verses for K5, but obviously came around the Thanksgiving holiday. It was pretty easy for them to memorize too, I think because the words paint such a vivid picture. I also taught them a little chorus…Continue Reading “Two little words that mean so much”