How to not lose faith

The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. This well-known verse from James has also been translated: The effective prayer of a righteous person has great power! Take a moment and re-read that slowly. As you do, keep in mind that when James refers to a “righteous person” he does not mean someone who is without sin, but someone who does not love or approve of sin. Someone who seeks to follow God’s will. That means, if you know Christ as Savior, and…Continue Reading “How to not lose faith when prayers go unanswered”


There is one quality that is present in every healthy relationship. Whether it’s a marriage, a friendship or even the bond forged between humans and their pets, if this quality is missing, or lost, the relationship is doomed to fail. It is this same quality that, if missing in our relationship with Christ, can lead to worry, fear and anxiety. What is this quality? Trust The dictionary defines it as a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. No…Continue Reading “The one ingredient every healthy relationship needs: Trust”

Faith and fitness

I was always a chubby kid. I wasn’t quite fat, certainly not obese, but definitely chubby – “big-boned” my family liked to say. I was a true tomboy too, so those nice “pretty plus” sizes I had to wear in upper elementary were twice the turn-off. Just give me a boys pair of “Husky” jeans and let’s be on our way. It didn’t help that I was a picky eater. I hated all breakfast foods and normally opted for a bologna and cheese sandwich or…Continue Reading “Faith and Fitness: Healthy minds need healthy bodies”

Where is God when I'm hurting

It is true, that anyone who has grown up in church, or been a Christian for very long is familiar with God’s promise that He will never leave us or forsake us. However, it is also true that if you have lived long enough on this earth, you have probably endured at least one circumstance that caused you to ask the question, “Where is God?” Even though we have experienced the wonders of his great love for us, and benefited from a multitude of his…Continue Reading “Where is God when I’m hurting?”

Love thy neighbor

‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” Matt. 22:37-40  God really does both know us so well and love us so much.  He not only made salvation a free gift that is ours for the taking, but He simplified the Christian life to just two commands.  If only…Continue Reading “Love your neighbor as yourself: A little kindness goes a long way”

You are what you think.  We have probably all heard this quote, or something similar. It is a fairly popular saying, mostly because there is so much truth to it.  Our thoughts are powerful things. On that we can all agree.  Any Google search on the power of thought, especially the power of positive thought, will yield dozens of books which have been written on the subject. These books claim that by using the power of positive thinking we can improve everything from our marriage…Continue Reading “How to think positively when your mind is stuck in a negative rut”

What is worship

Worship We hear the word a lot in Christian circles.  We go to praise and worship services every Sunday, where we’re led by worship leaders and sometimes worship bands.  We’re told we should practice personal worship as well as corporate worship.  But what, exactly, is worship, and how do we know if we’re doing it properly?  I thought a lot this week about what I wanted to share in today’s post, but it didn’t take too long before this subject popped into my head.  I…Continue Reading “What is worship?”

how to break the cycle of anxiety

You refuse to delegate. You aren’t a good team player. You micromanage others. You judge other’s behaviors You lack spontaneity and the fun that comes with it. Can you guess the type of person described by the symptoms above? According to Psychology Today, they are all signs of a “control freak.” We have all known at least one, whether it was on the playground or in the office. He’s the little boy who takes his ball and goes home when his friends don’t want to…Continue Reading “How to Break the Cycle of Anxiety and Worry”


  I have been a follower of Jesus since I was five years old. Of all my many faults, of all the gifts He’s given me that I’ve somehow tarnished or used unwisely, the one thing He gave that I’ve managed to keep alive and well is a heart that beats for Him. Oh, I have strayed from the path from time to time, stumbled over my own pride, fallen in an abyss of self-pity, but thankfully, I’ve always seemed to have the good sense…Continue Reading “Perfect peace: A mind stayed on Christ”

From our earliest days in nursery school, we are taught about the unconditional love of God.  We sing, “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so,” long before we learn how to read a Bible. Some of our first beginnings of feeling compassion come when we are told about how that same Jesus who we sing about, loved us so much, He died for us. Even as children or maybe it would be more appropriate to say especially as children, we…Continue Reading “A love I never want to get over”